February 16,2005

1. The meeting was held at the new District Building at 5:00 PM February 16.2005 Present were Commissioners: Floyd Ford, Sandra Hatcher, Glen Senter, Danny Everett, Jim Moody and Travis Beach; TCU Staff; Sandra Bolton, Jim Gooding, David Morgan, Vivian Howard and John Gentry. Chairman Ford declared that a quorum was present

2. Guest present for this meeting were Johnny & Barbara Todd, Dick & Delores Sumner and Walter

3. The minutes of the January 19,2005 meeting were approved. Motion by Beach, second by Moody, unanimous.

4. The new Boil Water Procedure was discussed and approved. Motion by Beach second by Hatcher,

5. The election of Offices was discussed and Mr. Beach made a motion that existing officers continue to serve, second by Everett, unanimous. Travis Beach made a motion that Glen Senter serve as Vice-Chairman, second by Hatcher, unanimous.

6. Staff and Committee Reports

Vivian Howard went over the financial statement and reported that we finally received approval of reimbursement &om EPA for Mr. Meissner's engineering fees and he will be paid as soon as the reimbursement funds are received.
Sandra reported that water sales are still consistent. She also reported that Mr. D.L. White was using water &om another dwelling and with the Policy of having a separate meter for each dwelling he needed to purchase a membership to receive water service. John Gentry will draft a letter to this extent and send to Mr. White. Sandra also reported that three people have still not signed the easements. Mr. Ford will get the phone numbers and addresses for these people and make a "personal appeal" to resolve this matter.
The JEA monthly status report was gone over and reviewed by the Board. John also went over future staffing needs such as a person to be on call in case for emergency basis such as a Grinder Pump goes out. Also at least two people would be needed to man the plant. It was suggested that local people be hired. Also someone should be hired part time to train with Vivian so that when Sandra phases out she will have another person to cover the office in case of sickness, vacation, etc.
Mr. Ford stated that wants a commitment &om the Budget Committee on working on funds for a new well.

7. Old Business:
. Mr. Ford reported that we are working on Phase II pre grant application to Rural Development in the
amount of$15,000.00
. Bob Meissner had been hired by IDC to work the issues for KBT Townhouses Water and Sewer Hook ups.
Also Taylor County wants a fee for the usage of the drain field. Mr. Ford was going before the County
Commissioners on this issue hopefully the County would receive no payment on this.
. It was reported that Mike Smith had been paid for filing the Dissolution ofTCU, however, we have had no
contact as to completing this.

8. New Business:
Floyd Ford reported that he is exasperated over our Financial and Legal Services. Sandra will write up a one paragraph description for our financial needs and he will cover the Legal description of our needs in order to start solicitation for new services.
It was reported that Kenneth Dudley is the County contact for installation of the Fire Hydrants. Jim Gooding will get with DeYoung & Dickey for a cost on installing the fire hydrants and then will submit to other companies for bids.
Jim Gooding suggested a metal building for the District O&M Building at approximately $15.00 per square foot. John Gentry will go ahead with the planning process of the building and get sketches to EPA for funding. Rate & Impact fees were discussed, Jim Gooding suggested a rate increase to $35.00. Floyd Ford stated that due to certain guidelines having to be met on this, he would get with Rachel Silver on the best way to go with this.

9. Open floor to Members and Guest:
. Mr. Senter reported that the sign for the District Building is still in the works and should be finished and up
within a month.
. The floor was opened to Johnny & Barbara Todd and Dick & Delores Sumner who jointly own property at Ezell Beach. They brought before the Board their concerns of having to purchase a Grinder Pump since the storm of the century in 1993 had destroyed their home and the existing septic tank that was there. Mr. Ford and Mr. Beach went over the Grant restrictions of having to be an active water customer as of March 20,2002 in order to get the grinder pump for free. Mr. Ford asked them to leave their addresses and phone numbers so that in the event there was a change at the end of Phase I that would allow them to receive the Grinder Pump for free.
. Mr. Walter McGuire (Lot 21 Keaton Beach) stated that he had owned his property since August of2002 and had requested water service at that time but never received it. The Board again explained that he had to be an active water customer as of March 20, 2002.

10. Travis Beach made a motion to adjourn, second by Hatcher, unanimous.

Board Actions:

1. Voted that Glen Senter serve as Vice Chairman.
2. Voted to let existing Officers continue to serve on Board. 3. Voted to approve Boil Water Proclamation

Action Items:

1. Budget Committee to meet this month.
2. Jim Gooding work on Bids for Fire Hydrant Installation Costs 3. John Gentry to begin process for District O&M Building.

John K. Gentry, P.E. General Manager