January 9, 2006

1. The special meeting was held at the County Offices at 4:00 PM on January 9, 2006. Present were:
COMMISSIONERS: Glenn Senter, Sandra Hatcher, Travis Beach, Danny Everett & Lonnie A. Houck.
TCW&SD STAFF: John Gentry, Shirley Shinholser.
Vice-Chairman Senter declared that a quorum was present.

2. Vice-Chairman Senter called the meeting to order for the purpose of establishing a unified stance regarding connections to our new Waste Water System and the issuance of septic tank permits in preparation for the joint meeting with the Taylor County Board of County Commissioners and the Health Department.

3. Since Chairman Ford's resignation was effective 12/31/2005, the first order of business is the election of new officers. The nomination of Glenn Senter as Chairman by Sandra Hatcher was duly seconded by Travis Beach and approved unanimously. Glenn Senter nominated Travis Beach as Vice-Chairman; a second was received from Danny Everett and the nomination was approved unanimously. At the Board's request, Sandra Hatcher agreed to serve as Secretary until her term as Commissioner expires on May 3, 2006. New officers of TCW&SD as of January 9, 2006 are as follows:

Chairman: Glenn Senter
Vice-Chairman: Travis Beach
Secretary: Sandra Hatcher

4. The floor was opened for discussion regarding the capacity of the new plant; our ability to absorb new customers; the restrictions placed upon us by Rural Development; and a policy for future connections. In summary, our plant has been designed to handle an Average Annual Daily Flow of 80.000 gallons per day.
Based on design assumptions of 60 gallons of wastewater per person per day and 2.67 persons per connection, the plant could handle 499 connections. Considering the present connections of approximately 350 residences plus the stub-outs of the remaining platted lots, we will connect about 480 to Phase I leaving an availability of approximately 19 connections. Ours is a pressurized, integrated system with specific pipe sizes for designated areas. Increasing the density on lots designed as single family residence will increase the pressure in the collection system causing it not to function as designed; therefore, we must limit connections to single family or increase the line sizes or install new lines at new customer's expense. As it stands now, those within 200 feet of our installed lines are required to connect if they meet allowable connection criteria. Furthermore, under current covenants with Rural Development, we are permitted to connect only the 300 existing
homes/businesses/developed sites existing as of September 2002 and the 181 platted single family housing lots as of July 1, 2003. As it stands now, we must adhere to the restrictions placed upon us by Rural Development and supply only one grinder pump per allowable lot or jeopardize our Phase I funding as well as our anticipated Phase II support.

In general consensus, the Board agreed to present the following to TCBCC:
It is the desire of TCW&SD to get all septic tanks off our coastlines. We are willing to accommodate isolated, additional connections subject to required fees as our capacity will allow providing that Rural Development approves so that we do not jeopardize our funding for Phase I and Phase II. We request that the Taylor County Board of Commissioners negotiate with Congressman Boyd and Rural Development to investigate the possibility of obtaining a release from the imposed covenants placed upon TCW&SD regarding future connections so that isolated lots can be connected rather than install septic tanks. Additional large future connections, if allowed, will require impact fees to upgrade our system to accommodate service. Taylor County must moreover provide needed infrastructure to support new large developments.

5. It was suggested that because we no longer hold Annual Meetings since becoming a District, that Sandra Hatcher, as our representative, contact Fritz Grady of JEA regarding the future ribbon-cutting ceremony and endeavor to plan a celebration for the customers of TCW&SD.

6. Some concerns have been noted regarding the height of vent pipes installed on the grinder pumps to deflect high tides. Lowering the height of the vent stacks will make them more susceptible to inflow of salt water. We will address the issue as it develops.

Motion to adjourn was made by Lonnie A. Houck; second by Sandra Hatcher and meeting adjourned.

Board Actions: 1. Elect new officers.
2. Approve presentation to TCBCC regarding sewer connections/septic tanks.

Action Items: 1. Pursue plans for ribbon-cutting ceremony.
2. Address concerns about vent pipes on an as needed basis.

John K. Gentry, P.E.
General Manager