January 19, 2005

1. The meeting was held at the new District Building at 5:00 PM January 19.2005 Present were Commissioners: Floyd Ford, Sandra Hatcher, Glen Senter, Danny Everett, and Travis Beach; TCU Staff; Sandra Bolton, Jim Gooding, David Morgan, Vivian Howard and John Gentry. Chairman Ford declared that a quorum was present

2. No guest was present for this meeting.

3. The minutes of the December 15,2004 meeting were approved. Motion by Beach, second by
Hatcher, unanimous.

4. Staff and Committee Reports:

Vivian Howard went over the financial statement and reported that we finally received some reimbursement from EP A however we still have problems with Mr. Machado approving reimbursement from EP A.
John Gentry reported on the first meeting with Mary Gavin of USDA on January 11,2004. He discussed Quality Plus's progress with the construction and submittal of reimbursement expenses to USDA Rural Development and problems with reimbursement of expenses from EP A.
Floyd Ford reported that he has begun work on Phase n funding submitting a CBIR to State Legislature. 1.9 million is needed and there is a good chance we will be able to get half of that possibly through Hurricane relief funds available thru USDA. We should know where we stand by April.

No Standing Committees at this time.

5. Old Business:

Mike Smith is not responding on amending the ordinance to take action for the people that have still not signed easements. Floyd Ford will try to get this resolved so it can go before the County Commissions.
Jack Russell of Taylor County Health Department says that KBT can only tie eight units into the County system.

5. New Business

Three Board Member terms will expire in 2006 and four in 2008, however Mike McKinney wishes to resign. Lonnie Houck is interested in the position and Travis Beach made a motion to recommend to the County Commission Board that he fill that seat until Mr. McKinney's term expires, second by Hatcher, unanimous.


Glen Senter presented software to automatically dial all customers to advise them of Boil Water Notice. System will be explored for possible use.

8. Glen Senter made a motion to adjourn, second by Travis Beach, unanimous...

Board Actions:

1. Voted to recommend Lonnie Houck as Board Member.

Action Items:

John Gentry to continue working on KBT sewer hookup.

John K. Gentry, P.E. General Manager