March 15, 2006

1. The meeting was held at the District Building at 5:00 PM on March 15, 2006. Present were:
COMMISSIONERS: Glenn Senter, Travis Beach, Sandra Hatcher, Jim Moody, Danny Everett, Lynn Aibejeris
TCW&SD STAFF: John Gentry, Jim Gooding, David Morgan, Diane Carlton and Shirley Shinholser.
Chairman Senter declared that a quorum was present.

2. Chairman Senter welcomed our guest, Doyle Frierson, WWTP Operator, who discussed operations of the plant. A few minor problems are being addressed such as the computer read-out and one pump coming off/on but, over all, everything is doing fine. The lab tests will begin in two (2) weeks. We are feeding corn to seed the plant right now due to low volume and adjusting the oxygen level accordingly. The test equipment has been set up and David is continuing training. The excessive blower noise is yet to be addressed. The use of a 2" Styrofoam and plywood ventilated enclosure is being considered. TCW&SD might want to consider centrifugal units versus rotary units for Phase II.

3. The minutes of our meeting on February 15, 2006 were presented. A motion was made by Sandra Hatcher and seconded by Lynn Aibejeris to approve the minutes as read. Minutes were adopted unanimously.

4. Staff and Committee Reports
· Sewer Project Update - John Gentry
We held a conference call with Fritz Grady of JEA and Roger Murphy of QPS on Tuesday, March 14th, to review the Punch lists prepared by JEA and TCW&SD. QPS says they will complete all punch list items by March 31, 2006. We've made a lot of progress with just a few things remaining. We've discovered about five (5) additional GPs installed in error and two (2) GPs that are due to be installed under the grant program. Any additional costs will be addressed through our final change order. Our "as builds" and manuals are en route and we've taken possession of our office/lab in preparation for our first round of testing. Improvements on our beaches/canals are being observed as the completion of Phase I draws near. Our funds are looking good with the $506,935 currently in our Wastewater account being used primarily for equipment purchases. We have submitted our first request for the EPA Contingency funds and anticipate receipt of monies shortly. We've purchased several pieces of field equipment, as well as, our new service truck, trailer and tank. We have yet to submit for $93,099.07 in RD funds and $121,343 in EPA funds.

We've had no further response from the Guenthner family regarding the GP installed upon their lot that was intended for Mrs. Bland. Our contract with QPS for the additional thirteen (13) GP installations is on hold as we await the arrival of the back-ordered units. Per a request from Cliff Burns, we have approached QPS regarding the addition of three (3) more installations and are considering the use of our spare pumps if wet wells and electrical boxes are available in an effort to avoid another time delay due to a back-order.

· Financial Reports - Diane Carlton/Shirley Shinholser
Director's Report - Total sales/usage for February was down as expected. February's past dues look good with three of the six already paid since the end of the month. We anticipate that Poppell's account will be written off to bad debt at a future date. Crowder is making monthly payments. Ball was sent a certified letter. Nothing is "high dollars" but payment has not been made since October 2005. We made a rather high adjustment ($1,117.70) to Brian O'Sullivan at Ezell Beach due to an undiscovered water line break after the recent freeze. In general, there have been few complaints about the new sewer rate and increased billing.

Financial Report - Our loan at Citizen's Bank ($9,983.74 plus interest) is due June 17, 2006. Our current long term liability with USDA-RD remains at $1,081,914.60 with interest-only payments due September 1, 2006. Funds are being placed in reserve monthly for this payment. Our expenses include the balance of our 25% due for the Phase II Pre-Development grant ($940.00) and required pollution insurance for our diesel fuel tank at the WWTP ($600.00). Our electrical bill for the WWTP remains about the same at $1080.75. Our YTD projected income is short due to a late start on our Sewer charges but, over all, our YTD Profit & Loss Budget vs. Actual looks good. We need to purchase our tags for the service truck and trailer. We will investigate the possibility of obtaining "County tags".

· Management Issues - John Gentry
Additional parts have been ordered for installation of the four (4) fire hydrants and are expected to arrive
soon. We are still working the issue with DEP concerning our Water Operator's license classification.

· Operational Issues - Jim Gooding
DEP requires an annual inspection of our back-flow prevention system. Some of our meters must be replaced with units having test ports and backflows. We need to replace 30 units now. We anticipate replacing 400 over a 5-year period at an approximate cost of $5,000 per year. A tester for our back-flow preventors costs about $300. We can buy larger meter boxes or test in place. We'll try to determine which is cost effective. Tests of special water samples are due this year at about $3,000 expense and we are expanding our test area. Our Emergency Response Plan is near completion. Perhaps we should consider obtaining an emergency alarm system at the water plant similar to the one at the Wastewater plant. We will advise customers of the installation of the new fire hydrants. A discount on their insurance can be obtained if they are within 1,000 feet of a blow-off and/or a hydrant. The fire trucks can't suck on the hydrants or the blow-offs, but each can be used to fill a truck. We are in need of new maps of our water system. We also need a welder on our booster station.

David did not pass his Class C Wastewater Operators test.

· Phase II Funding - John Gentry
While we are awaiting current audits, we are gathering additional information requested by Rural Development. Glenn is also investigating other avenues for Phase II funding.


· District O&M Building and Equipment:
We have instituted our lease agreement and taken possession of the trailer for office and lab use. Most of
our equipment has been purchased with the remaining items expected to arrive this next month.

· Bylaws - Glenn Senter
We are still sorting through the information received and will condense it in preparation for the April

· Connection of Existing Septic Tanks to System - John Gentry
We should reconsider our decision last month regarding the time factor of connecting to the Wastewater system. The State Statute gives "one year from availability". Can we be more stringent than State law? If we give six months, will it be from operational date or date of letter? We want all tanks abandoned and written notice that it has been done but we need guidance. Do we specify connection by December 12, 2006? Do we cut off the water for non-compliance? Do we ask the County Commissioners to have the power disconnected? We also want a clear understanding by all parties involved that no new septic tanks are allowed. The Board approved the December 12, 2006 date for connection of all lots with septic tanks but will consider the remainder of this issue for a decision in April.

· Foundation for WWTP office
We will approach RD about funding a foundation for our new office complex.


· Second Meter for Water Service Only
Some customers desire a second meter for "water only" to be used for irrigation, boat washing, pools, etc. This unit can be attached to the existing service line. We need to recoup equipment costs and Jim's labor. Board will investigate options and consider at April meeting.

Commendation to the staff was given by Chairman Senter for "a job well done". Our new website (www.tcwsd.org.)
contains pictures and pertinent information. Input is welcome. Business cards are also available through Glenn.

A motion to adjourn was made by Travis Beach. A second was received from Danny Everett and the meeting was adjourned.

(The next meeting is scheduled for Wednesday, April 19, 2006 at 5:00.)

Board Actions: 1. Approve Minutes from January 18, 2006
2. Approve a "must-connect" date of December 12, 2006

Action Items: 1. Consider policy for existing septic tanks that do not connect to our sewer system
2. Consider second meter for "water only"

John K. Gentry, P.E.
General Manager